Monday, September 18, 2017

Mantra For Success: Open to gain new knowledge (True Story of VLSI Aspirant)

After a long time, I came across to one of my student who compromised a lot, struggled a lot but finally learned a lot. His attitude of learning new concepts, believe in himself and his fighting sprit against odd scenarios - helped him to open doors of success.

I requested him to share his story and he did a awesome job.
I wish him BEST of LUCK for his future.

EVERYONE Should read HIS Story once (Whether you are VLSI aspirant or not - it doesn't matter). It will motivate you a lot.

My journey to get a job in ASIC RTL Design

After completing my masters from one of the most reputed universities in western Europe, I thought that when I get back to India, getting a job will be cake walk. There were some reasons why I couldn't stay back in Europe. I was highly excited to come back to India. My energy levels were all time high and I was very optimistic. Only to later realize that I stepped onto a road full of thorns.

It was December of 2015, I landed in Delhi, breathed with relief that I got back to my country. I was happy to begin a new journey of life. Everyone at home was very happy. After a short vacation, I started to look for a job. My days were fully consumed in job applications. Uncountable mails, relentless search on job portals , phone calls and LinkedIn search became a way of like for the next three months. Parents had high expectations, though they never expressed directly to me, but their eyes spoke of everything.

As days passed, my anxiety increased only to further invite health issues. In all these days, I gained about 15 kg of weight only to become obese. That was not enough, I started suffering from insomnia. Being unable to sleep for nights, I was unable to do any work in the morning, to become further lazy. I can remember an incident of one night, it was 4 o'clock, everyone was sound asleep at home except for me. Being unable to sleep, I started walking in the dining area and a sudden frustration wrecked into my mind. I started banging my head against the wall and started crying out loudly. Everyone woke up in a shock to see my state. I think, that day my parents realized that I need some help and some immediate attention. The next few days, I focused on improving my health and went for therapy to cure insomnia. I started working out. I saw good results. I was better than before. Later I decided that I will leave for Bangalore.

It was mid of March 2016 when I joined a known institute in Bangalore to get trained in RTL Design and Verification. The institute promised a 100% job assistance. I was happy that I have moved on. The next four months were consumed in the training. Though I did not typically required such a training, but getting a job was my hope. In my training days, I realized that my only interest is in RTL Design and not RTL verification. People suggested to me that I should first enter the industry and then have such strict criteria. But I did not budge. After four months of training, I started my job applications on my own as the training institute was not able to get a Design position.

I was living alone in a one room and a kitchen apartment in Bangalore. During the training, I did not realize my loneliness, but as it ended, I realized how alone I am. I used to study for all of day, also applying to positions. Initially I got some interview calls, but they went unsuccessful. Later I stopped receiving any further interview calls. No replies from HRs added further to my anxiety. I started contacting people on LinkedIn, but rarely would anyone reply. Expecting any reply from HRs was anyways hopeless.

But somehow god gave me strength to keep moving. I utilized my time to polish my skills. I solved Charles Roth completely, and other books as well. Even though I was working very hard, at nights while going to bed I used to feel sheer nervousness. My hands would shiver out of fear and nervousness. Seven months had passed and I was still jobless. Then a friend called me and said that I should start focusing on Verification and start revising SV, UVM etc. because getting a job in Verification is easier. I thought that it is the right way to go forward and I started doing it, loosing all hopes that I will get a job in RTL Design. It was third week of February of 2017 that I got a call from a service based company in NCR that they want to schedule an interview for RTL Design position with me. My happiness knew no bounds because it was my first interview after a couple of months. I gave the interview and I got selected!

I cannot express how happy everyone was. I couldn't believe that I made it. I soon joined that company. I met new people and made new friends. It was there where I realized that why my CV was not being shortlisted. I also lacked knowledge in STA. I got to know how to prepare CV for RTL Design position. I made mistakes, my approach was wrong, but my hard work paid off.

I got the chance to get lectures from Puneet sir on STA in Noida. Those lectures made me an expert in STA analysis. I was working very hard in the company as well, polishing all my skills and upgrading them. I learnt to operate Cadence tools. It significantly improved my profile. After six months in that company, I got selected in a very well known semiconductor company in Bangalore. I have just completed my first week in my new company. Now almost everyday I am getting a call from some company. Life seems so good now! I am fit, healthy and I sleep very sound. I am happier. Thanks to god, parents, friends and Puneet sir. I have made it.

I just want to say that never ever loose hopes. Stay strong and stay focused. Making friends is very important than anything else. Strong belief in god will help too. If you are not getting results,
  1. Please analyze where you are going wrong,
    • is it your approach ?
    • Or is it your level of knowledge that needs to be upgraded ?
  2. Always be open to any opportunity on the way even if it is low paying, because one door provides a gateway to a new world.
  3. Never think twice in gaining new knowledge. Go for as many workshops in your domain as possible.
  4. Talk to people if you are getting confused.
  5. And at last, be confident.

I have requested Puneet sir to keep my profile anonymous. But if you want some help from me, talk to Puneet sir, he will give you my contact details or message me on my mail id: I would like to help anyone who is struggling to get a job in the semiconductor industry.

Thank you.

Once again - Best of Luck - A**k. :) Be in touch and ping me any time if you need my help.


  1. VLSI EXPERT helped me to develop my interest in backend VLSI!!!
    And What can I say about author Puneet mittal sir...he is the one who motivated me everytime when I failed to crack's really worth to join VLSI courses (freshers and working professionals) from edusaksham...which are also conducted by Puneet sir himself!!!

  2. It was really motivating. I am happy your hard work paid off ... I have a doubt as with btech degree can we go for vlsi design engineer position... If have some experience in vlsi domain.. But not in position of design. I know mtech is one of the qualification every company needs.. But dont want to waste my time in doing mtech as age is also a factor.. So is it possible.. Or should i stop dreaming??

  3. It was really motivating. I am happy your hard work paid off ... I have a doubt as with btech degree can we go for vlsi design engineer position... If have some experience in vlsi domain.. But not in position of design. I know mtech is one of the qualification every company needs.. But dont want to waste my time in doing mtech as age is also a factor.. So is it possible.. Or should i stop dreaming??

  4. That was very inspirational and got a great motivation to work hard and win a successful life in career.

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