Monday, February 7, 2011

ETM (Extracted Timing Models) basics

6.1 6.2
ETM basics ETM Advance

In a design Once a block has met its timing constraints at the gate level, the detailed internal timing of the block is not needed for chip-level timing analysis. For that we can create/write a timing model for that block.

Timing Model of  the block

  • Should completely model the full input/output timing characteristics without requiring the complete netlist of the block.
  • Do not model every path in the block. Internal registerto register paths are generally discarded, as these paths can be analyzed at the block level using the complete gate-level netlist.

Synopsys has a tool named as PrimeTime and its most trusted and advanced timing sign-off solution for gate-level STA tool. Its accuracy is within 5% of SPICE.

Prime Time Provides following types of advance timing models.

  • Interface Logic Models (ILM) for hierarchical static timing analysis and sign-off
  • Extracted Timing Models (ETM) in .lib format for cell-based reusable IP and physical design flows
  • Quick Timing Models (QTM) for top-down design
In this Blog we will discuss only about the ETM models basic. For More detail please refer "ETM (Extracted Timing Models) - More detail" blog.

ETM (Extracted Timing Models):-
  • Block based model (.lib)
  • Contents of block are hidden
  • Original netlist replaced by model containing timing arcs for block interfaces.
  • NLDM lookup tables are extracted for each of the timing arcs.
  • These arcs whose delay are a function of input transition and output load. This makes ETM usable with different input transition times and different output loads.
  • Multiple modes per model
  • Single PVT per model
  • Used for implementation (not sign-off) of IP models. Here the content are protected because the model contains abstracted timing information, without any netlist information.
ETM model Illustration:

Types Of ETMs:
There are 2 types of ETM avaliable-
  • NetList
  • Liberty library cell (.lib)
Note: Most frequent usages is the .lib cells. 

Developing of ETM Models:
Developing an ETM model in Primetime consists of three high level steps:
  • Preparing for the ETM
  • Creation of the ETM
  • Verification of the ETM

ETM scripts example:
As such the flow of the script vary from design to design and company to company, but following example just give a rough idea about the commands for generating the ETM. I will suggest you to check the PrimeTime user-guide for more details.

  • ETM creation :
# Template for ETM extract when using spef #
set BLOCK "blockname"
set NETLIST "blockname.v"
set SPEF "blockname.spef"
set SDC "blockname.sdc"
# Preserve unconnected nets
set svr_keep_unconnected_nets true
# set search_path and link_library
# Read and link netlist
read_verilog $NETLIST
current_design ${BLOCK}
#  for nets not annotated
set_wire_load_model -name B0.1X0.1
# Read spef
read_parasitics $SPEF
# Read constraints
read_sdc $SDC
set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
# Define operating conditions
set_operating_conditions -library g65xp lsiW_090V_125C \
  -analysis_type on_chip_variation 
# Set extract_model variables
# Note: These should be considered example settings. Final variable
# settings ultimately depend on the specific design usage.
set extract_model_data_transition_limit 0.75
set extract_model_clock_transition_limit 0.75
set extract_model_capacitance_limit 1.0
set extract_model_num_clock_transition_points 7
set extract_model_num_data_transition_points 7
set extract_model_num_capacitance_points 7
set extract_model_use_conservative_current_slew true
set extract_model_enable_report_delay_calculation true
# to create an ETM model with propagated clocks:
set extract_model_with_clock_latency_arcs true
extract_model -output ${BLOCK} -format {db lib} \
 -library_cell -test_design


  • ETM verification: 

# Template for ETM verification            #
set BLOCK "blockname"
set NETLIST "blockname.v"
set SDC "blockname.sdc"
set ETM_MODEL "${BLOCK}_lib.db"
set ETM_TEST  "${BLOCK}_test.db"
# Compute the interface timing of the netlist.
# Read in reference netlist design
read_verilog $NETLIST
current_design ${BLOCK}
set_wire_load_model -name B0.1X0.1
read_parasitics $SPEF
read_sdc ${SDC}
set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
set_operating_conditions -library g65xp lsiW_090V_125C \
  -analysis_type on_chip_variation
write_interface_timing netlist_report.txt
# Compute the interface timing of the ETM model.
# Remove reference netlist and read in ETM model
remove_design -all
lappend link_path ${ETM_MODEL}
read_db ${ETM_TEST}
current_design ${BLOCK}_test
# set wire_load that has 0.0 cap loading
set_wire_load_model -name TSMC_CLN90G_WLM_0.0
## alternatively, use
#set_load -wire_load 0 *
read_sdc ${SDC}
set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
source ${ETM_CONST}
write_interface_timing model_report.txt
# Compare the interface timing for the netlist vs ETM model.
compare_interface_timing -absolute_tolerance 0.1 \
 netlist_report.txt model_report.txt -output cmp.rpt


  1. Great! thanks, it was so useful especially for large chip floorplanning

  2. Thx. Very good blog.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Thanks. Very clear for beginners.
